
Three rules to attract a woman's attention

Getting a woman's attention is an art that can be mastered with certain strategies. At first glance, it may seem that some men have special features that magnetically attract women's attention, while others struggle with it. However, there are certain practices that can help create an attractive image for women.

Have you faced the fact that women refuse you, or you do not arouse any interest in those girls who like you. And despite the fact that you try your best to impress her with your reliability and care, you still constantly face rejections from girls. At the same time, other men attract women so easily without doing anything about it that sometimes it seems that they have some special aura that makes them charming to women.

I will tell you in advance that there is no magic in this and the whole point is that when meeting and communicating with girls, these men take into account several important points, which gives them undeniable advantages over you.

Let's say on the first date with a girl you chose a nice restaurant, bought a new suit and even ordered her a taxi from home, but as soon as you meet her and start talking, all her attention goes to other men. She gets bored, looks in all directions and then refuses to meet you again.

Of course, you have a question, why does she behave like this, because you did everything to impress her and have a good time?

The answer is simple, she thinks she deserves better than you or you can say she is looking for a man of higher value.

To remedy this situation and become that one percent of exceptional men to whom women gravitate themselves, use my three key recommendations. Master and apply them in practice and you will immediately see qualitative changes in your personal life.

Rule number one

Successful men ignore women's EGO.
Implied? Most women have a high opinion of themselves and believe that men should bow down to her simply because she is.
A self-respecting man feels when a woman is too arrogant and does not succumb to these provocations and stories about super incredible exes. He treats this woman just like any other ordinary girl, while the average man will go to great lengths to please her. This, in the end, inflates her EGO even more and leads him to defeat and another rejection.

Remember that women want those men who are better than themselves and simply cannot be attracted to someone who is considered below their level.

Rule number two

Flirt boldly! Flirt confidently!
Flirting is your business card, and some men are too shy to give free rein to their desires and feelings and directly tell a girl or, at least, show: I want you.
Because they are simply afraid of scaring a woman or offending her. The truth here is that if you approach her with seven-mile steps, the chance that she will get scared of you and run away is, of course, minimal.
However, the probability that she will send you to the friend zone is 100%!
Therefore, do not be afraid to be bold to flirt with her and she will definitely obey you. Because this is how our nature is arranged, and most importantly, with the help of flirting, you create the same sexual tension between you, which determines the quality of your future relationship.

You can just say to her: "Hello!"
And do it so beautifully and boldly that she will respond positively to it.

The third rule: Listen more - say less!

No, this is not a weak position, on the contrary.
Ask questions and give the woman the opportunity to answer them.
You capture several targets at once. To begin with, this will allow you to understand what kind of person she is and whether she is suitable for you.
Women like to talk about themselves, so take advantage of this, get to know her better in order to build a relationship with someone who is really capable of an adequate relationship, and not just someone who happens to be there. In addition, the girl may have ulterior motives, such as extracting money from you or manipulating you.

You talked a lot about yourself and at the same time revealed your true expectations from a woman and your relationship with her. Be prepared for the fact that she may simply use this information. Because you literally gave her the perfect strategy of exactly how she needs to act to trap you. That is why successful men in relationships are excellent listeners, which makes them also extremely attractive to women.

The ability to listen and show interest in her opinion will not only help you better understand your partner, but will also allow you to build a deeper and better relationship based on mutual understanding.

Now that you know the secret of men that women are drawn to, it's time to put these skills and knowledge into practice.

Using these strategies can help you create better relationships with women. Do not forget that every situation is unique, and it is important to be attentive to your partner's reaction in order to adapt your actions to her expectations and preferences.

Such advice usually helps men better understand how to approach communication with women, but it is important to remember that each situation is unique and requires its own approach.